Ratings & Metrics
*Why a Question Mark Rating?
CharityWatch currently has concerns about this organization and/or is unable to provide complete rating information due to the organization's nondisclosure of financial information. Please see the Analysts' Notes section for a more detailed explanation.
Governance & Transparency
CharityWatch Governance Concerns
See Analysts' Notes for ExplanationTop Salaries
Unable to Provide Salaries
See Analysts' Notes for explanation.Analysts' Notes
CharityWatch is unable to provide a letter grade rating of People for the American Way (PFAW) at this time due to the charity's failure to respond to CharityWatch's request for fiscal 2022 audited financial statements and IRS Form 990s. For this reason, we have issued PFAW a "?" rating for its fiscal year-ended 12/31/2022. CharityWatch sent inquiries to PFAW's COO via email on 9/8/2023, and again via U.S. mail on 9/15/2023, and has not received a response as of the date of this update on 10/12/2023. Additionally, CharityWatch attempted to locate financials for the charity's fiscal year-ended 12/31/2022 in several online public databases, including the online databases of state attorneys general and secretaries of state, but was unsuccessful. If PFAW responds to CharityWatch's questions at a future date, we may update PFAW's rating at that time. |