President’s Day is a Great Day to Donate to a Top-Rated Ch...
President’s Day is a Great Day to Donate to a Top-Rated Ch...
Feb 16, 2024
Happy President’s Day from CharityWatch! ...
Happy President’s Day from CharityWatch! ...
Entity | Document Type | Tax ID |
PetSmart Charities | Audit Financial Statements | 93-1140967 |
PetSmart Charities | IRS Form 990 | 93-1140967 |
Entity: PetSmart Charities Document Type: Audit Financial Statements Tax ID: 93-1140967 |
Entity: PetSmart Charities Document Type: IRS Form 990 Tax ID: 93-1140967 |
Name | Title | Compensation | |
1 | Aimee Gilbreath | President | $754,397 |
2 | Stephanie Jensen | Treasurer | $228,495 |
3 | Janet Henry | Secretary | $111,318 |
1 Name: Aimee Gilbreath Title: President Compensation: $754,397 |
2 Name: Stephanie Jensen Title: Treasurer Compensation: $228,495 |
3 Name: Janet Henry Title: Secretary Compensation: $111,318 |
According to the PetSmart Charities consolidated audit of January 29, 2023 (Note 4, Transactions with PetSmart, Inc. and PetSmart Charities of Canada): "The Organization entered into a formal management services agreement with PetSmart Charities of Canada (PCC) consistent with prior years' practice of providing business management, finance, strategy, and other services. The Organization received $95,000 from the management services agreement for both the years ended January 29, 2023 and January 30, 2022. Receivables from PCC of $28,075 at January 29, 2023 and $43,642 at January 30, 2022 represent management fees billed quarterly and miscellaneous reimbursable costs... |
According to the PetSmart Charities audit of January 29, 2023 (Note 5, Transactions with Related Entities): |
According to the PetSmart Charities audit of January 29, 2023 (Note 1 re: Contributed Goods and Services): "...For the years ended January 29, 2023 and January 30, 2022, the Organization recorded contributed rent, goods, and services of $29,259,81 and $24,532,929, respectively, from PetSmart LLC..." |
According to the PetSmart Charities tax filing for the fiscal year ended January 29, 2023, BFAS reports re: Supplemental Information for Form 990 (IRS Form 990, Schedule O): Regarding Form 990, Part VI, Section A, Line 2: "Five board members serving during the fiscal year, J.K. Symancyk, Lacey Bundy, Cherise Ordlock, Mike Shultheis and Gary Shullaw have a business relationship." |
According to PetSmart Charities tax filing of January 29, 2023, IRS Form 990, Schedule L, Part IV, Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons: PetSmart LLC was paid $10,567,322 in total by PetSmart Charities. The "Relationship between Interested Person and Organization" is reported as "Substantial Contributor" The "Description of Transaction"(s) are reported as "Management Fee" and "Royalty Income" for $6,059,480 and $4,507,842, respectively. According to Form 990, Schedule L: "The fee paid to PetSmart LLC is capped annually and the value of the use of real property, management and administrative services, products and supplies received by PCI under under the agreement overwhelmingly exceeds the payments made to PetSmart LLC, by a ratio greater than 3.9:1. PCI incurred $6,059,480 of expenses under the management services agreement with PetSmart LLC for the fiscal year ended January 29, 2023." |