CharityWatch is unable to provide a rating for Crisis Relief Network (CRN) based on its fiscal year ended 12/31/2022 due to an inability to obtain audited financial statements. For this reason we have issued the charity a "?" rating, signifying nondisclosure of financial information and/or other specific concerns. CharityWatch's most recent letter grade rating of Crisis Relief Network was an "F" on our "A+" to "F" rating scale based on our analysis of its fiscal 2019 financial information. Based on our analysis of CRN's 2019 financial activities, CharityWatch determined that CRN spent 14% of its cash budget on programs and that it cost the charity $82 to raise each $100 in cash support. Per CRN's tax form 990 for its fiscal year ended 12/31/2022, Part IV, line 12a, CRN confirmed that they "obtained separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year." However, in Part XII, 2b, CRN responded "No" to the question: "Were the organization's financial statements audited by an independent accountant."
CharityWatch reached out to CRN by mail on February 2, 2024, to request a copy of its fiscal 2022 audited financial statements. Additionally, CharityWatch utilized the messaging function on the charity's website to make the above request and received no response as of the date of this note, May 1st, 2024. According to its 2022 IRS tax Form 990, CRN reports raising $1,171,299 in contributions and incurring $1,228,020 in total expenses in 2022. If CRN provides audited financial statements to CharityWatch in the future we may update our rating of the organization at that time. |