Ratings & Metrics
*Why Not Ratable?CharityWatch is currently unable to rate this organization. This does not imply a negative or positive evaluation. Please see the Analysts' Notes section for a more detailed explanation. |
Governance & Transparency
Top Salaries
Unable to Provide Salaries
CharityWatch is unable to provide a range of Top Three Salaries for this charity for the above fiscal reporting year because we lack complete salary data for the organization. Except for officers, directors, and trustees, the IRS does not require breakouts of salaries totaling less than $100,000.
For example, XYZ charity would be required to provide a breakout in its tax form of compensation to its president of $55,000, but would not be required to provide a breakout of $99,000 in compensation to its top medical researcher if that person is not also an officer, director, or trustee of the organization.
This charity reports that compensation to its officers, directors, and trustees is under $100,000 per individual. Donors who would like to view limited salary data for this organization should refer to its tax form, which may be available on the charity's web site or from a number of third-party sources. See CharityWatch's Links page for information on obtaining copies of charity tax forms.
Analysts' Notes
CharityWatch is unable to provide a letter grade rating for Find the Children based on its fiscal 2022 financial activities. CharityWatch generally applies our methodology and assigns letter grade ratings to charities that take in at least $1 million in public cash contributions and that maintain an annual budget of at least $500,000. Historical Ratings: CharityWatch assigned Find the Children the following ratings in prior years: Fiscal 2018: "F" rating. Find the Children spent 24% of its cash budget on its programs that year. Fiscal 2016: "F" rating. Find the Children spent 22% of its cash budget on its programs that year. Fiscal 2014: "F" rating. Find the Children spent 32% of its cash budget on its programs that year. |