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Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED)

CharityWatch rating issued
May 2014

CharityWatch Rating
Our independent rating based
on a number of factors.
Program Percentage
Amount spent on programs
relative to overhead.
Cost to Raise $100
Amount spent to raise
$100 of contributions.

Contact Information

Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED)
6320 Evergreen Way
Suite 201
Everett, WA 98203

Other Names


Tax Status


Stated Mission

To alert the public about who is missing, to ask for help in finding the missing, to tell the public where to turn for help, and to provide no-charge case management and search assistance for families whose children have vanished prior to the age of eighteen.

View similar charities
Data based on Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/2012

Program Percentage: 10%

The percentage of Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED)'s cash budget it spends on programs relative to overhead (fundraising, management, and general expenses).


Calculated Total Expenses



Cost to Raise $100: $74

How many dollars Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED) spends on fundraising to raise each $100 of contributions.


Calculated Total Contributions


Joint Costs

Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED)'s rating was adjusted for Joint Costs. If you are a donor who considers direct mail, telemarketing, and other Joint Cost solicitations to be true charitable programs, the below efficiency ratios, which were not adjusted for joint costs, may better reflect your goals.

Program % Cost to Raise $100
24% $62
Accounting rules allow charities to report some telemarketing, direct mail, and other solicitation costs as Program expenses. CharityWatch believes that most donors do not consider a charity's solicitation activities to be the Programs they are intending to support with their donations. We therefore adjust such expenses out of a charity's reported Program expense and add it to Fundraising expense prior to calculating its rating.

Government Funding

0% to 24%

Percentage of cash revenue
coming from government sources


Financial Documents

Entity Document Type Tax ID
Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth IRS Form 990 91-1298249
Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth Audited Financial Statements 91-1298249
Entity: Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth
Document Type: IRS Form 990
Tax ID: 91-1298249
Entity: Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth
Document Type: Audited Financial Statements
Tax ID: 91-1298249

Governance & Transparency

CharityWatch evaluates certain criteria related to a charity's Governance and Transparency. Donors may want to consider a charity's willingness to be open and transparent with CharityWatch to be a good litmus test for determining its commitment to public accountability.
Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED)
does not meet governance benchmarks.
Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth (DISSOLVED)
does not meet transparency benchmarks.
Provides Financial Information
Audit Accessibility
Governance: Policies
Reports regularly & consistently monitoring & enforcing compliance with a written Conflict of Interest Policy
Reports required, annual disclosure by officers, directors, and key staff of interests that could give rise to conflicts
Reports having a written Whistleblower Policy
Reports having a written Document Retention and Destruction Policy
Governance: Financials
Reports providing copy of tax form to all board members prior to filing it with IRS
Reports that financial statements were audited by an independent accountant
Governance: Board of Directors
Reports at least 5 voting board members
51% or more of voting board members reported as independent
Reports documenting minutes of board and board committee meetings
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Unable to Provide Salaries

CharityWatch is unable to provide a range of Top Three Salaries for this charity for the above fiscal reporting year because we lack complete salary data for the organization. Except for officers, directors, and trustees, the IRS does not require breakouts of salaries totaling less than $100,000.

For example, XYZ charity would be required to provide a breakout in its tax form of compensation to its president of $55,000, but would not be required to provide a breakout of $99,000 in compensation to its top medical researcher if that person is not also an officer, director, or trustee of the organization.

This charity reports that compensation to its officers, directors, and trustees is under $100,000 per individual. Donors who would like to view limited salary data for this organization should refer to its tax form, which may be available on the charity's web site or from a number of third-party sources. See CharityWatch's Links page for information on obtaining copies of charity tax forms.

CharityWatch Analysts perform an in-depth analysis of charities' audited financial statements and IRS tax filings, and often review other documents such as state filings, annual reports, and fundraising contracts during their evaluations. Below are select notes that CharityWatch believes may be of interest to donors.
According to the Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth 2012 tax filing, The president and the treasurer, which account for two of the four total members of the board of directors have a familial relationship (IRS Form 990 Schedule O & Part VII, Section A)
According to the Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth audit of December 31, 2012 (Note H):

"... [T]he Organization has net assets of ($25,592) as of the year ended December 31, 2012. As of that date, the Organization's current liabilities exceeded its current assets by $35,867. Those factors, as well as the uncertain conditions that the Organization faces regarding its ability to raise funds through fundraising activities, create an uncertainty about the Organization's ability to continue as a going concern. Management of the Organization is developing plans to reduce expenses and increase fundraising income..."