CharityWatch has assigned National Veterans Foundation a "?" rating at this time due to our specific concerns about the charity's financial reporting for its fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Specifically, National Veterans Foundation (NVF) reports that its financial statements for fiscal 2021 were neither compiled, reviewed, nor audited by an independent accountant. (Form 990, Section XII, lines 2a & 2b). For more information about the importance of an audit please read CharityWatch's article here. If NVF publishes an audit of its finances in a future year CharityWatch may reassess our rating of the organization at that time.
CharityWatch's historical ratings for National Veterans Foundation include the following: Fiscal Year Ended 2018: Not Ratable due to small size CharityWatch generally applies our methodology and assigns letter grade ratings to charities that take in at least $1 million in public cash contributions and that maintain an annual budget of at least $500,000. In fiscal 2011, NVF took in close to $6.4 million in public cash contributions and spent more than $6.8 million in cash expenses. Since that time NVF has contracted in size, raising less than $232,000 in public contributions and spending less than $580,000 in expenses, according to its IRS Form 990 tax filing for the fiscal year ended 6/30/2018.
As of 6/30/2018, NVF reported $1,852,941 in total net assets. Of this amount, $1,590,924 consisted of temporarily restricted net assets, and NVF reported having $1,672,884 in investments in the form of publicly traded securities, according to the NVF fiscal 2018 IRS Form 990, Part X. NVF's available fund balance at fiscal year-end 2018 was more than three times its expense budget for the year.
According to the NVF tax filing for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 (IRS Form 990, Schedule D, Part XIII):
"The Foundation received an endowment of $4,900,000 in 2005 from an individual's estate. Terms of the endowment permit the Foundation to withdraw 5% of the endowment's principal plus earnings on the principal each year to be spent on the Foundation's programs."
Fiscal Year Ended 2015: Not Ratable due to small size CharityWatch generally applies our methodology and assigns letter grade ratings to charities that take in at least $1 million in public cash contributions and that maintain an annual budget of at least $500,000. In 2011, NVF took in more than $6 million in public contributions and spent more than $6.8 million in cash expenses. Since that time NVF has contracted in size, raising less than $300,000 in public contributions and spending less than $600,000 in the fiscal year-ended June 30, 2015.
As of 6/30/2015, NVF reported $2,524,659 in total net assets. Of this amount, $2,375,108 consisted primarily of temporarily restricted "Investment in Mutual Funds" originally donated to the organization in 2005, 2006 and 2007 from a specific donor's estate, according to NVF's audited financial statements of the same year.