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assertive charity watchdog

United Way Worldwide

CharityWatch rating issued
August 2024

CharityWatch Rating

Contact Information

United Way Worldwide
701 N Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Other Names

The United Way
United Way

Tax Status


Stated Mission

To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.

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Data based on Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/2022

*Why Not Ratable?

CharityWatch is unable to rate this organization due to how it is structured. This does not imply a negative or positive evaluation.

Some charities are composed of hundreds of separately controlled, local affiliates:

If a charity's local affiliates are governed by local volunteers that primarily raise and spend donations within their own communities, CharityWatch is often unable to provide a rating. This is because there are no audited financial statements available that include the activities of all of the charity's local groups. Such local charities are often relatively small and not uniformly required to file audited financial statements or full tax forms with the IRS and other government offices. In addition, their financial documents may each reflect different financial periods, making an evaluation of how efficiently the group operates as a whole impracticable, if not impossible to perform. CharityWatch does not currently offer separate ratings on small, local charities.

If a charity publishes consolidated/combined audited financial statements that include the financial activities of its national office as well its local groups, CharityWatch is often able to analyze this document, along with the tax forms of its largest entities, and provide a rating that reflects how efficiently the charity raises and spends public dollars on the whole.

Governance & Transparency

CharityWatch evaluates certain criteria related to a charity's Governance and Transparency. Donors may want to consider a charity's willingness to be open and transparent with CharityWatch to be a good litmus test for determining its commitment to public accountability.

CharityWatch is currently unable to provide Governance & Transparency data for this organization due to how it is structured. This does not imply a negative or positive evaluation or rating.

Some charities are composed of hundreds of separately controlled, local affiliates. These affiliates are often governed by local volunteers that primarily raise and spend donations within their own communities.

CharityWatch is often unable to provide information related to such a charity's governance because this data is not reported in aggregate for all local affiliates. Rather, a separate set of governance data is reported on each affiliate's individual tax form.

Such local affiliates are often relatively small and not uniformly required to file full tax forms with the IRS and other government offices. In addition, their financial documents may each reflect different financial periods, making an evaluation of how well a charity is governed on the whole impracticable, if not impossible, to perform. CharityWatch does not currently offer separate ratings and governance data on small, local charities.

  Name Title Compensation
1 Angela Williams CEO $750,513
2 Steve Taylor SVP & Counsel, Pub. Policy $369,435
3 Brian Gallagher Past CEO $363,506
Name: Angela Williams
Title: CEO
Compensation: $750,513
Name: Steve Taylor
Title: SVP & Counsel, Pub. Policy
Compensation: $369,435
Name: Brian Gallagher
Title: Past CEO
Compensation: $363,506

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