CharityWatch is unable to provide a letter grade rating for Global Green USA based on its fiscal year 2020 financial activities. CharityWatch generally applies our methodology and assigns letter grade ratings to charities that take in at least $1 million in public cash contributions and that maintain an annual budget of at least $500,000. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020, Global Green USA reports raising $598,790 in public cash contributions; its reported total expenses are $508,865, according to its 2020 IRS Form 990 tax filing. In fiscal 2019, Global Green USA's reported cash contributions totaled $774,052, according to its 2019 tax filing. In addition, according to the Global Green USA 2020 tax filing, Global Green reports re: "Did the organization cease conducting, or make significant changes in how it conducts, any program services?":
"Due to COVID-19, the organization was forced to limit its program services significantly. Because of government shutdowns and global travel restrictions, normal operations were not feasible" (IRS Form 990, Schedule O re: Form 990, Part III, line 3).
Also according to the Global Green USA 2020 tax filing, Global Green answered "No" to the questions asking if its fiscal 2020 financial statements were "compiled or reviewed by an independent account" or "audited by an independent accountant" (IRS Form 990, Part XII, lines 2a & 2b). |