CharityWatch is unable to provide a letter grade rating of Against Malaria Foundation due to how the organization is structured. The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) is a worldwide operation headquartered in the United Kingdom (UK). AMF consists of the UK-based foundation and 12 "sister foundations" that include a United States branch (AMF-US), as well as foundations established in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, and Switzerland. Each of the sister foundations has its own governing board. AMF's financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 are audited on a global consolidated basis and include the financial activities of the UK foundation, AMF-US, and the sister foundations. The audited financial statements are based on International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)). AMF's audited financial statements based on ISAs (UK) are not comparable to those of United States-based organizations, whose audited financial statements are based on U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). AMF-US (tax ID #20-3069841) has an IRS Form 990 tax filing for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 in which it reports total contributions of $62,286,888 and total expenses of $62,239,002. All of the total expenses are reported as program-related "Payments to affiliates." AMF-US further describes its fiscal 2024 total expenses as follows: "Grants may be approved by the AMF (US) Board to AMF (UK) in pursuance of AMF (US)'s objectives. Expenses: $0 ...Grants: $62,239,002 ...Revenue: $0." (IRS Form 990, Schedule O re: Part III, Statement of Program Service Accomplishments - line 4e, Total program service expenses). CharityWatch's methodology is not designed to measure how efficiently one entity of a charity grants funds to one of its related organizations or affiliates. For this reason, CharityWatch does not believe it is fair to publish a program efficiency ratio for AMF-US alongside those of other charities that conduct their own programs and/or primarily make grants to other, independent charities. In addition, CharityWatch is unable to provide a fundraising efficiency ratio for AMF-US since AMF does not report separate fundraising expenses for the U.S. branch on its fiscal 2024 IRS Form 990 tax filing.
CharityWatch's inability to provide ratings for AMF-US or AMF is strictly due to the reasons described above and not due to an unwillingness on the part of the charities' to provide information or answer our questions. In order for CharityWatch to be able to rate AMF in the future, we would require consolidated or combined audited financial statements, expressed in U.S. dollars and based on U.S. GAAP reporting standards, including an audited Statement of Functional Expenses. Such statements would eliminate interorganizational transactions, as well as provide a comprehensive view of how the organization both raises and spends public dollars, on the whole, that is comparable to the other charities rated by CharityWatch. This information may not currently be practicable for AMF to provide given its organizational structure and because it is headquartered in the United Kingdom. Visit our Resources for Donors page for information about GiveWell, a charity rating organization (unrelated to CharityWatch) that specializes in impact evaluations and has published detailed reports on Against Malaria Foundation. |