Ratings & Metrics
*Why a Question Mark Rating?
CharityWatch currently has concerns about this organization and/or is unable to provide complete rating information due to the organization's nondisclosure of financial information. Please see the Analysts' Notes section for a more detailed explanation.
Governance & Transparency
Top Salaries
Name | Title | Compensation | |
1 | Kevin Frost | Chief Executive Officer | $590,255 |
2 | Bradley Jensen | Assistant Treasurer / CFO | $338,485 |
3 | Kyle Clifford | Vice President of Development | $311,760 |
1 Name: Kevin Frost Title: Chief Executive Officer Compensation: $590,255 |
2 Name: Bradley Jensen Title: Assistant Treasurer / CFO Compensation: $338,485 |
3 Name: Kyle Clifford Title: Vice President of Development Compensation: $311,760 |
Analysts' Notes
CharityWatch is unable to provide a letter grade rating of the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) at this time due to the charity's failure to respond to CharityWatch's inquiries about its reporting of joint costs. For this reason, we have issued amfAR a "?" rating for its fiscal year-ended 9/30/2022. CharityWatch sent inquiries to amfAR's CFO via U.S. mail on January 8, 2024, and again via email on May 1, 2024, and has not received a response as of the date of this update on 5/17/2024. If amfAR responds to CharityWatch's questions at a future date, we may update amfAR's rating at that time. Prior to updating our rating of amfAR for fiscal 2022, CharityWatch must make adjustments to amfAR's Fundraising and Program expense totals based on its joint cost allocations outlined in its IRS tax Form 990. CharityWatch noted that amfAR checked the box in its IRS Form 990, Part IX, Statement of Functional Expenses, line 26, Joint Costs, indicating that Joint Costs were incurred in fiscal 2022, and that amfAR followed SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) in its reporting of such costs. However, on line 26, columns A, B, C, and D, allocations of such joint costs were omitted from the Form 990 reporting. To this end, we requested that amfAR provide us with the previously mentioned omitted breakout of total joint costs and functional allocation of such costs. |