Ratings & Metrics
*Why a Question Mark Rating?
CharityWatch currently has concerns about this organization and/or is unable to provide complete rating information due to the organization's nondisclosure of financial information. Please see the Analysts' Notes section for a more detailed explanation.
Governance & Transparency
Top Salaries
Name | Title | Compensation | |
1 | Claire Gill | CEO | $310,325 |
2 | Debra Erikson | CAO | $191,833 |
3 | Lindsey West | Senior Program Manager | $148,512 |
1 Name: Claire Gill Title: CEO Compensation: $310,325 |
2 Name: Debra Erikson Title: CAO Compensation: $191,833 |
3 Name: Lindsey West Title: Senior Program Manager Compensation: $148,512 |
Analysts' Notes
is unable to provide a letter grade rating of the Bone Health and Osteoporosis
Foundation (BHOF) at this time due to the charity's failure to respond to
CharityWatch's inquiries about its reporting of fundraising expenses. For
this reason, we have issued BHOF a "?" rating for its fiscal
year-ended 12/31/2022. CharityWatch
sent inquiries to BHOF's CEO via email on 9/20/2023, and again via U.S. mail on
9/28/2023, and has not received a response as of the date of this update on
10/11/2023. If BHOF responds to CharityWatch's questions at a future date, we
may update BHOF's rating at that time. Prior to
updating our rating of BHOF for fiscal 2022, CharityWatch must make a judgment
as to whether BHOF’s reported improved fundraising efficiency is due to an
operating change, a reporting change, or some combination of the
two. BHOF’s fundraising efficiency improved significantly during 2014
through 2017 as compared to 2013. In its IRS Forms 990, BHOF reported that it
spent approximately $54 to raise each $100 in cash contributions in 2013, as
compared to approximately $19-$26 to raise each $100, annually, in
2014-2017. To this end, we
requested that BHOF respond to the following questions: 1. Please provide
a brief explanation for BHOF’s improved annual fundraising efficiency ratio in
2014-2017 as compared to 2013 (as noted above). 2. Please indicate
whether any of the following line items in BHOF’s 2022 Form 990 Statement of
Functional Expenses include Printing, Mailing, Processing, Caging, Consulting,
or Other expenses related to soliciting contributions: line 11g (Other
Fees for Services); line 12 (advertising and promotion); line 13 (Office
Expenses); line 19 (Conferences, conventions, and meetings); line 24d (Bank
Service Fees); or line 24e (All Other Expenses). a. If any of the
listed line items from #2 above do include expenses related to soliciting contributions,
for each line item please provide an expense breakout by dollar amount,
function (i.e., program services, M&G, and fundraising), and natural
classification. b. For each of the
line item expense breakouts provided for #2a above, please also indicate which line
items specifically are included in the dollar amounts reported on line 26 as an
allocation of Joint Costs for each of the three functions. 3. In 2017, 2016,
& 2015, BHOF reported “Catering and Facility” expenses among the line 24 “Other
expenses” on the Form 990 Statement of Functional Expenses. These “Catering and
Facility” expenses were mostly allocated to Program Services and increased from
about 2.0% & 2.5% of BHOF’s reported total expenses in 2016 & 2015,
respectively, to about 4.3% of total expenses in 2017 at $183,199. a. Did BHOF incur
any “Catering and Facility” expenses in 2022? If so, please indicate in which
line item(s) of the Form 990 such expenses are reported. b. Please confirm
that the event(s) described in #3a are not Fundraising Events (i.e., dinners, dances,
concerts, auctions, or other fundraising events, the income and direct expenses
for which are required to be reported on lines 8a-8c of the Form 990 Statement
of Revenue and Schedule G, Part II). c. If BHOF did
conduct Fundraising Events in 2022: i. Please provide
the related dollar amounts that correspond with lines 8a-8c of the Form 990 Statement
of Revenue for Other Revenue, Fundraising Events. ii. Please provide
the related functional expense allocation dollar amounts for the direct and indirect
expenses, respectively, and indicate in which line item of the Form 990
functional expense statement such amounts are reported.
iii. Please explain the reason why BHOF did not
report the Fundraising Events income and direct expenses on lines 8a-8c of the
2022 Form 990 Statement of Revenue. |
According to the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation audit of December 31, 2022 (Note 10, Commitments and Contingencies): |
According to the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation audit of December 31, 2022 (Note 14, Subsequent Events): |