Celebrating 30 years of helping you give wisely
America's most independent,
assertive charity watchdog

Top-Rated Charities

Groups included on the CharityWatch Top-Rated list generally spend 75% or more of their budgets on programs, spend $25 or less to raise $100 in public support, do not hold excessive assets in reserve, have met CharityWatch's governance benchmarks, and receive "open-book" status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents to CharityWatch. Please see the Our Process page of the website for more information on the rating criteria and methodology that CharityWatch adheres to.

Because many factors determine a worthy charity, we at CharityWatch suggest that you use the ratings on this page not as the sole determining factor in your decision, but rather as an aid.

This list is subject to change depending on the information CharityWatch receives concerning charitable organizations.

Addiction & Recovery Charities

Charity Rating
Drug Policy Alliance A-

Animals Charities

Asian American Charities

Charity Rating
Asia Foundation A
Asia Society B+

Black American Charities

Blind & Low Vision Charities

Cancer Charities

Child Protection & Sponsorship Charities

Civil Rights & Social Justice Charities

Consumer Protection & Legal Aid Charities

Environment & Climate Change Charities

Gun Control / Gun Rights Charities

Health - General Charities

Hispanic & Latin American Charities

Housing & Housing Equity Charities

Human Rights Charities

Human Services & Domestic Aid Charities

Hunger & Food Policy Charities

International Relief & Development Charities

Jewish & Israel Charities

LGBTQ+ Charities

Literacy & Education Charities

Charity Rating
ProLiteracy Worldwide A-

Mental Health Charities

Native American Charities

Charity Rating

Older Adults Charities

Peace & International Relations Charities

Police & Firefighters Charities

Public Policy Charities

Reproductive Health Charities

Terminally or Chronically Ill Charities

Veterans & Military Charities

Women’s Issues & Advocacy Charities

Youth Charities

Addiction & Recovery Charities

Charity Rating
Drug Policy Alliance A-

AIDS Charities

Charity Rating

Asian American Charities

Charity Rating
Asia Foundation A
Asia Society B+

Black American Charities

Child Sponsorship Charities

Charity Rating

Disabled Charities

Charity Rating

Gun Control / Gun Rights Charities

Hispanic & Latin American Charities

Housing & Housing Equity Charities

Human Services & Domestic Aid Charities

LGBTQ+ Charities

Literacy & Education Charities

Charity Rating
ProLiteracy Worldwide A-

Native American Charities

Charity Rating

Older Adults Charities

Peace & International Relations Charities

Police & Firefighters Charities

Uncategorized Charities

Charity Rating

Women's Health Charities

Charity Rating

Women’s Issues & Advocacy Charities

Youth-Residential Charities

Charity Rating